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Forumi eshte krijuar nga Themostiam.Ne kete forum do te jen aktive te gjitha temat vecanerisht ato te hacking,sepse kjo eshte arsyeja qe forumi eshte krijuar.Ju lutemi rregjistrohuni dhe na ndihmoni edhe juve duke postuar mesime te vlefshme

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Kaspersky Internet Security 8.0 + 2008 Valid Key

Shko poshtė  Mesazh [Faqja 1 e 1]



Kaspersky® Internet Security 8.0 provides you with the same proven anti-virus protection as Kaspersky Anti-Virus together with additional features including Parental Control, a personal firewall, an anti-spam filter, Privacy Control and more.
Product Highlights
Integrated protection from all Internet threats
Integrated antivirus protection: 1) Hourly automated database updates, 2) Preliminary behavior analysis, 3) On-going behavior analysis. New!
Real-time scanning for email, Internet traffic and files
Personal firewall with an IDS / IPS system. Improved!
Protection from leaks of confidential data. New!
Parental Control. New!
Protection from spam and phishing
Automatic database updates
Additional Features
Protection from viruses, Trojans and worms
Protection from spyware and adware
Protection from all types of keyloggers. Improved!
Detection of all types of rootkits. Improved!
Protection from viruses when using ICQ and other IM clients
Rollback of malicious changes on your PC
Self-defense of the antivirus program from being disabled or stopped
Tools for creating a Rescue Disk
Free technical support



Mbrapsht nė krye  Mesazh [Faqja 1 e 1]

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