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Forumi eshte krijuar nga Themostiam.Ne kete forum do te jen aktive te gjitha temat vecanerisht ato te hacking,sepse kjo eshte arsyeja qe forumi eshte krijuar.Ju lutemi rregjistrohuni dhe na ndihmoni edhe juve duke postuar mesime te vlefshme

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Shko poshtė  Mesazh [Faqja 1 e 1]

1cain&abel Empty cain&abel Mon Apr 14, 2008 12:42 am



Eshte nje prog shum i mire dhe eshte per Microsoft Operating System.Dhe ky prog permban shum gjera te mira ku mund te besh crack,gjen wireles network e shum hsum gjera tjera,per me shum
ja dhe kodet
************************************************** *****
Cain & Abel v2.0 for Windows 9x (discontinued and not supported anymore)
MD5 - A14185FAFC1A0A433752A75C0B8CE15D
SHA1 - 8F310D3BECC4D18803AF31575E8035B44FE37418
************************************************** *****
Cain & Abel v4.9.14 for Windows NT/2000/XP
MD5 - 5F4B104ABC446D90637F19D5FA5AB5BF
SHA1 - 8CC66CBF263785331F94F1E13299192909B039AD
************************************************** ******

Mbrapsht nė krye  Mesazh [Faqja 1 e 1]

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